NuGet, Rhino Mocks

Rhino Mocks NuGet

From the beginning of my little adventure I had planned on making sure that Rhino Mocks had a consistent NuGet presence. So it was quite surprising, as I near the end of my first go with revamping Rhino Mocks, that I would get an email about Rhino Mocks package in NuGet. The previous owner of the Rhino Mocks package (Ka-Wai Lin) contacted me to relinquish his ownership and allow me to take it over.

I must confess, at first I was a little wary. A couple of emails later and sure enough… I am now the owner of the Rhino Mocks package in NuGet.

I can’t thank Ka-Wai Lin enough for this generous and gracious offer. Not having to worry about this and being able to keep a consistent presence within NuGet is a huge win.

His Linked-In profile can be found here:

Now the *only* thing left to do is get an “alpha” build out there.

Clearly it’s not the only thing left to do but… I’ll leave that for another post
